Happy New Year Nobles and Ladies! I am humbled and honored by the confidence you have placed in me as your Potentate for 2020. Congratulations to the elected and appointed Divan members. Together, with the help of all the Nobles, we will work diligently to build our Shrine. We have several goals for 2020, some small and some major, but all focus on improving membership and strengthening our financial practices. The events planned for the year are for promoting FUN and FELLOWSHIP! Our 2020 Installation of Officers was well attended and a very exciting evening for all. I thank the committee, Divan members and their ladies, Chief Aide Tim Corrigan, office personnel, and all others for their hard work pulling this event together. Thank you to the Honor Guard for the evening – Security Unit, Motorcycle Drill Team, and the Ambassadors. The installing officers for the evening – ILL. Sirs Charles Frisby, Todd Clayton, Ron Stanley, Norm Storms, and Barry Thurston did a wonderful job. I especially thank my Lady Connie. Because of my unexpected illness and surgery, all the work fell on her shoulders. With the support of all workers she presented a wonderful evening for our Shrine. The circus has come to town and left. We had great shows, attendance, and support from our Nobles, Ladies, and friends. Thank you, Ill. Sir Ron Stanley, Executive Director of Circuses, Brian Sabin, Circus Chairman, and the members of the Circus Committee for all your hard work and preparation this past year. We have two events in February, the Hillbilly’s Valentine Dinner and Dance, and the Chili Cook Off. Please try to join us for the fun times. We also have two fundraisers on going, the 3-Digit Raffle and the Sportsman’s Raffle. Tickets are $20 each and still available. Please like and visit our website www.ekshrine.com, and our Facebook page Elf Khurafeh Shrine. All events and activities are posted on each of these, and our webmaster, Jeff Downing, and the communications committee are keeping them updated. Any information you need about our Shrine can be found there. Our philanthropy is the Shriners Hospital for Children. Our Temple mission is to support and transport our child patients to the hospitals for world class care. Without our Temple we can not support the children. Support your local Shrine Temple! Prayers to our sick and shut-ins, may you have a speedy recovery. God Bless our Temples of Mercy. May their hands heal our Shrine Children! Your humble servant, John E Arnould, Potentate
Divan NotesUpdates from the Elf Khurafeh Shrine Divan Archives
April 2022
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