Happy New Year Nobles and Ladies, we hope all is well with everyone and this year has started smoothly. Congratulations to all 2019 Officers, the Installation on December 30th was well attended and a good time was had by all. Potentate Stanley has planned many endeavors’ for 2019 and we would like all Nobles to come out and attend and join the fun in 2019. Nobles, Elf Khurafeh lost 82 members during 2018; (39 suspended, 7 demitted, 3 dropped and 53 Nobles deceased). We Created 11 new Nobles, Restored 6 and Affiliated 3, for a total net loss for 2018 of 82 Nobles. Elf Khurafeh January 2019 membership is; Regular = 1148 + 4 Associates =1152 total Members. The new Membership Committee is planning to work hard on Restorations in 2019 and also on having members join Clubs and/or Units and attending Shrine activities. The main reason of losing members, we have no control of, but losing members because they are not active could very well be our fault. We should all mentor and help our Brother Nobles whenever we can; this makes our Fraternity stronger, are we doing our best? Are we trying to sponsor new members? Only you can answer these questions for yourself, the Officers don’t need your answers, we see by who sponsors new Creations. Always remember that our Blue Lodges need new and active members. Visit your lodge in 2019 or a Lodge nearby your home. The Lodge Officers will be pleased to have you there. For you Nobles looking for something to do and have spare time, Elf Khurafeh needs drivers to transport Shrine Patients to the Chicago Shrine Hospital (food, fuel, hotel (when needed) and van are provided by Elf Khurafeh Transportation Fund), what we need is your time. The success stories you hear about from Kids and Parents will bring tears. That’s the biggest reward we can give you. Thanks for helping the Kids. Contact the Recorder if you could help drive. Fraternally, Clarence W. Meyer, Jr., P.P. Recorder Ph. 810-686-2641 ext 4
Happy New Year Nobles! By the time you read this the installation and circuses are over, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for entrusting me as your Potentate for 2019, I am humbled and honored. I look forward to visiting all the clubs and units this year at least once. The circuses are over and I hope there will be good news to report at the Circus Appreciation Dinner in March, financially. Nobles, we are going to try a few new things this year. Starting on Saturday, February 9 with a Chili Cook-off at Circus Park and then on Friday, February 22 there will be a Comedy Show with 11 more total for this year. You can look up the dates and locations on ekshrine.com. On March 16 we are having a Meat Raffle, then on March 23 Lady Tammy is having a Lady's Luncheon from 2-5 pm at Circus Park (more details to come). The 2nd Annual Sportsman's Raffle is on April 6, with that said Nobles, remember, we are all on one team and that is the Membership Team. We all need to add at least one new noble to replace ourselves, so lets all push membership. Yours in the Faith, Potentate, Ryan A. Stanley |
Divan NotesUpdates from the Elf Khurafeh Shrine Divan Archives
April 2022
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